Parents & Community » Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Visitor Information

Visitor Policy

74th Street Elementary & Gifted Magnet School is committed to providing a safe and secure learning  environment for its students. The enhanced involvement and assistance of parents in our school programs and activities are greatly appreciated by the staff and students of 74th Street. All school campus visitors must be informed and adhere to the laws and school policies of visitors to school campuses, as stated in the California Education Code (Ed code j44810 (a); j44811(a); j51101(a): (1), (2),  (12), and Board Rules (1265, 2002).




  • Make sure to bring a valid ID to your school visit. It is required for most school business.
  • Request an appointment for a visitation/observation date and time from your student's teacher or office staff. It is ideal to allow a 24-hour notice. However, the school will try to accommodate the time and date according to requestor’s needs when possible.
  • Complete a visitor’s permit and obtain the principal/designee’s approval before proceeding to the classroom.
  • Visitors must enter through the MAIN OFFICE and sign in at the FRONT COUNTER.
  • Staff will provide the visitor with a badge to enter campus or arrange an appointment if necessary.
  • Determine the classroom activity you are observing and keep the classroom observation time to no more than 15 minutes.
  • Follow the school’s established procedures for scheduling an appointment with the teacher(s) and/or principal/designee.
  • All visitors must sign out in the Main Office and exit through the main doors.



  • Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
  • DO NOT CONVERSE with the students, teacher, and/or instructional assistants during the visitation.
  • DO NOT INTERFERE with any school activity during the visitation.

As a reminder, most of our teachers are available before and after school everyday, except Tuesday afternoons. To ensure student safety and maximize teaching and learning, teachers are unable to meet during instructional time.


We appreciate your cooperation and respect to our school and district policies.


Dr. Cairen Ireland, Principal

74th Street Elementary & Gifted Magnet

Nicole Douglass Community Coordinator
Community of Schools Community Representative
Community Representative